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Menopause FTW!

no. i’m not menopausal. it’s bookworm adventures. i just beat the final boss battle in book 2 with “menopause.” thought it was pretty damn funny.

if you haven’t played bookworm adventures yet, you’re missing out. something fierce. it’s completely cool to beat down badguys with words like “bodacious” or with a gemmed-up “aviary.”

my favorite tho? smacking an enemy who is overly susceptible to color words with my hammer that does extra damage on metal words with “bronze.”

hell. yeah.

and, yes. i’ve even seen the rare diamond tile — holy badass, batman.

you MUST play this game. riddling sphinxes. raging boss battles. snappy dialog. is absolutely necessitates your attention.

especially when you one-hit a 29-heart badguy with “temperatures” and a fistful of gems.

UPDATE: ha! i just found this: dungeon scroll. it looks like bookworm adventures is a total and complete ripoff. funny. i’ll check out dungeon scroll and see how it plays.

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About Topher Chapman

i like to write.

well... and paint. and program video games. and model economies. and run, surf, play football, etc. basically, i'm one of those irritating polymaths. my achilles heel, however, is obviously capitalization.

this is me, hurling my writing at you.

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