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Damn my Obsessiveness

Pulse Pounding. Head Swimming. Fingers flying manically across my keyboard. Scratching and scribbling noisily, struggling to find just the right word.

Water! Temple! Bug! Woot!

Pulse Pounding. Head Swimming. Fingers flying manically across my keyboard. Scratching and scribbling noisily, struggling to find just the right word.

Damn this tiny tablet keyboard! My long, gangly fingers mis-stepping the entire way. I feel like I spend more time on the backspace key than actually poking at letters. Argh! Too late.

Sunshine. I need to go faster.

No! I need to concentrate on the next word.

Dinosaur! Got it! 10 points! I’m a genius!

Catching up to Seraphim now. It won’t be long before I claim that coveted top spot. Before I can reap the glory and spread the fear. Behold the giant: m3mnoch!

Um. How the hell do you spell “exuberant?” Wait! No one is going to use that as a tag. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever thought.

Teeth. Simile…. Ack. click click click I meant Smile. No? Clown? 4 Points!

Ranking is falling. There is only 46 seconds left in the round. I’ve fallen to 23rd. I don’t know if I can recover.

Think, dammit! Simple words. Descriptive words.

Fraudulent. What? Fraudulent? Where on earth did I come up with that one? Better yet, who in their right mind would tag a photo as “fraudulent?” And, how on earth did I spell that right the first time? What? Next photo already? Sand! Yes! 8 points. Hanging steady at 23rd. Times almost up!

Erg. I have no idea on this one. 3… Banging out letters. 2… No! Not yet! 1… I can get it!

Too Late.

What? “THE Kevin Federline check out my site yo!” beat me? The absolute shame. I lost out in a competition of cognitive prowess to Kevin Federline? I guess there’s no chance Britney will shack up with me now, eh?

Is it really 9:30 already? Have I really been doing this for an hour? Wow. I need to pull up out of this swirling vacuum of….

Vacuum! I bet that was the last one!

Oops. New round. Gotta hurry.

Puppy? Paw? Fur! Yes! 7 points!

Huh? What? What was the link? Oh, yeah. it’s

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About Topher Chapman

i like to write.

well... and paint. and program video games. and model economies. and run, surf, play football, etc. basically, i'm one of those irritating polymaths. my achilles heel, however, is obviously capitalization.

this is me, hurling my writing at you.

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